4. Chao 2000

Chao 2000

Multiple Quasi Equilibria of the ITCZ and the Origin of Monsoon Onset

#paper #ITCZ #monsoon #aquaplanet @Chao



  • The papers try to explain Monsoon onset and retreat, on the other hand, sudden shift of ITCZ by multiple-quasi equilibria state.
  • The paper suggest two different forcing that control ITCZ position. One is rotation which pushs ITCZ on to the equator and the other is SST peak which pull ITCZ from the equator
  • The balance state between these two forcing is not unique but multiple!
  • Transition from one to another quasi-equilibria state can be matched with abrupt transition of ITCZ, the onset of Monsoon


  • This paper also talk about double-ITCZ problem with multiple quasi-equilibria which should be read carefully again

Food for thought

  • What is clear physical interpretation/mechanisms of the forcing; rotation and SST

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